Wastewater Management Policy

This Wastewater Management Policy at ISG Airport Hotel summarizes the commitment to responsible and sustainable wastewater management practices. Our objective is to protect the environment and public health through proper collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater in compliance with relevant regulations. This policy provides a framework for all employees and stakeholders to follow concerning wastewater management objectives.

Applicable to our facility employees and contractors, it covers all activities related to wastewater, including but not limited to wastewater production, treatment, discharge, and monitoring.

At ISG Airport Hotel, our facility commits to the following wastewater management objectives:
3.1. Environmental Responsibility: Preventing, minimizing, and managing the environmental impacts of wastewater discharges, ensuring the preservation of local ecosystems and water bodies.

3.2. Compliance: Ensuring compliance with all local, national, and international regulations and standards related to wastewater.

3.3. Resource Conservation: Supporting responsible use and management of water resources by reducing wastewater production and promoting recycling and reuse.

3.4. Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluating and improving wastewater management practices to minimize risks and enhance sustainability.

4.1. Top Management: Providing leadership, allocating necessary resources, and creating an environment for responsible wastewater management.

4.2. Employees: All employees are responsible for understanding and implementing this policy, reporting wastewaterrelated concerns, and participating in wastewater reduction and pollution prevention efforts.

4.3. Contractors and Suppliers: All contractors and suppliers working with ISG Airport Hotel are expected to adhere to this policy and are encouraged to adopt similar practices.

5.1. Environmental Responsibility: We implement wastewater treatment processes that meet or exceed current environmental standards. Regular monitoring and control of wastewater quality are carried out to prevent pollution and protect local ecosystems. Immediate intervention and measures for reporting incidents or spills are implemented.

5.2. Compliance: We are knowledgeable about all laws, regulations, and permits related to wastewater and ensure compliance through regular audits.

5.3. Resource Conservation: We promote efforts to minimize wastewater and prevent pollution in our operations. Opportunities for wastewater recycling and reuse are explored.

5.4. Continuous Improvement: We regularly review and update wastewater management procedures to enhance efficiency and reduce risks. We comprehensively review wastewater management practices to improve environmental protection.

This Wastewater Management Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure effectiveness and compliance. Necessary changes and improvements will be made to align with the organization’s objectives and evolving best practices.