Carbon Emissions Management Policy

1. Purpose
This Carbon Emissions Policy reflects ISG Airport Hotel’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions, enhancing energy efficiency, and minimizing its environmental impact in line with principles of environmental sustainability. Our goal is to practice effective carbon emissions management to combat global climate change and preserve our environment.

This policy encompasses all facilities, operations, and supply chains of ISG Airport Hotel, covering all aspects related to carbon emissions.

ISG Airport Hotel implements this policy to promote environmental sustainability and reduce carbon emissions. Our aim is to conserve natural resources, protect the environment, and effectively contribute to combating climate change. ISG Airport Hotel pledges the following carbon emissions policy objectives:

3.1. Carbon Emissions Reduction: Implementing effective strategies and technologies to reduce carbon emissions.
3.2. Increasing Energy Efficiency: Encouraging the use of energy-efficient equipment in facilities to increase energy efficiency.
3.3. Use of Renewable Energy: Investing in and promoting the use of renewable energy sources.
3.4. Waste Management and Recycling: Reducing carbon emissions through waste management practices.
3.5. Education and Awareness: Educating and raising awareness among employees, guests, and suppliers about carbon emissions.

4.1. Management Team: The management team provides leadership for the carbon emissions policy, allocates resources, and guides efforts to achieve goals.
4.2. Employees: All employees are responsible for understanding and implementing this policy, contributing to carbon emissions reduction efforts, and increasing energy efficiency.
4.3. Suppliers and Guests: Suppliers and guests are encouraged to act in accordance with the carbon emissions policy.

5.1. Carbon Emissions Reduction:
โ€ข Adopting energy-efficient technologies and processes in facilities to increase energy efficiency.
โ€ข Regularly reviewing carbon emissions inventories and developing plans to achieve reduction goals.
5.2. Use of Renewable Energy:
โ€ข Reducing carbon emissions by utilizing renewable energy sources.
โ€ข Encouraging environmentally conscious energy consumption among our guests and employees.
5.3. Waste Management and Recycling:
โ€ข Establishing and implementing waste reduction and recycling programs.
โ€ข Reducing carbon emissions through waste management practices.
5.4. Education and Awareness:
โ€ข Educating employees, guests, and suppliers on reducing carbon emissions and energy conservation.
โ€ข Organizing awareness campaigns and introducing environmentally friendly practices to our guests.

This Carbon Emissions Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and suitability. Changes and improvements will be made as necessary to align with the organization’s goals and evolving best practices.